Staying up late…
Staying up late…

Staying up late…

I do love staying up late.  It’s quiet.  I can work on A LOT of stuff without the temptation of going out, calling anyone, no one calls me, and I can stay really focused.
But… I also hate staying up late.  It is one of my worst habits.  It seems like every night, I tell myself I’m going to go to bed at 11 or 12, then I have to fight myself to go to bed at 4 or 5am.
At least I’m not addicted to drugs or alcohol :)  But I still wish I could get back into the habit of getting to bed early.  Yet, here I am again, at 2am, writing this and wanting to go to bed, but I’m in the middle of building a shopping cart for a website… and I’m on a roll.  So, I’ll probably end up going to bed at 5am again…