I’m not looking forward to Hillary Clinton running for president…
I’m not looking forward to Hillary Clinton running for president…

I’m not looking forward to Hillary Clinton running for president…

I know it’s coming.  There’s already been some talk here and there in the news.  But boy.. I am NOT looking forward to it.  I am looking forward to a woman as President, which I’m sure will happen in my lifetime, but I’d rather have a woman run for office who is without drama.

I’m also thinking that she’ll either divorce Bill Clinton before the campaign so there isn’t that "connection" to his antics, or she’ll stay married to him to show that she’s a "family woman."

In any case, I can picture it already.  There’s going to be SO MUCH debate and discussion, arguments and information about her and her experiences, and about why she’d be a great President.  For me, this is not the right woman for our first woman President.  But worse than that, is the year long storm of "Hillary for President."  I’m just not looking forward to that…