History lost… the Ambassador Hotel is gone…
History lost… the Ambassador Hotel is gone…

History lost… the Ambassador Hotel is gone…

All the years I lived in Southern California, and I kept MEANING to go visit the Ambassador Hotel, but I never did. And now it’s too late. The Ambassador was where Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated on June 6, 1968.

As a history nut, having an event that was so famous happen so close to home, and NOT going to visit the site, makes me sad. 20, 50, 100 years from now, the assassination will be remembered, but the location will lost to history.

As always, I love Microsoft’s Map website, which has helicopter views (they call it "Bird’s eye") of all major cities in the US. Here are a few images of the Ambassador Hotel as it stood, and as it was being torn down. If you rotate the angle of the image on some screens you can see the hotel standing, then just a dirt lot.

Before demolition (helicopter link)
After demolition (helicopter link)

Google StreetView Map