On the road… follow my road trip…
On the road… follow my road trip…

On the road… follow my road trip…

I’m going on a road trip from Seattle to Northern California with a friend from today until next Saturday. I want to try to do a ‘travel-log’ using my Windows Live Space, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and Google Latitude.

On Twitter I’ll try to post the current stop or location. If you want to see my ACTUAL location, send me an email at – roadtrip2009@bodie.com – with the email address you use on Google, and you’ll be able to watch my LIVE progress via the GPS in my phone!

Flickr will show the random cell phone images while we’re on the trip, and on my Windows Live Space, I’ll try to post regular updates about what we’ve seen or done that day.

Feel free to call or text me or email me this week!