My recent happenings…
My recent happenings…

My recent happenings…

Well, as much as I miss SoCal, I’m working on getting a full-time PM (program management) position at Microsoft. I’m testing right now, and that’s fine, but I’m kinda done with software testing. I’d like to convert the PM skills I’ve developed over the past few years into an actual paying job… and hopefully a career for the next 5-10 years. If I can’t get a PM job by January, I’ll likely head back to SoCal.

Redmond Police
A friend of a friend is a Redmond Police K9 Officer, and I recently went on a ride-along with him. It was the first time I’ve ever ridden in a police car (whew!) And, in doing training excises with the dog, I wore the "sleeve" and got to run from the dog and get "attacked". VERY cool! And amazing work with the dog.

G-scale railroading
I found a garden scale railroad club very close by – and the guy has an amazing and beautiful backyard layout. As much as I love miniature live steam like Walt Disney’s backyard layout, this is pretty amazing. I bought the cheapest starter kit I could find and am in the process of converting the locomotive to a battery powered, remote control engine. This guy’s layout has waybill orders that you follow to move freight around from one business to another. VERY realistic and fun!

After far too many years of wasting time, we’re finally getting moving on the Friends of Bodie non-profit group. I’ve been spending a lot of time on the website and on overall organization. Although we aren’t operating out of the State Park, we will be doing fund raising via the internet and hopefully various local events, and are focusing on doing one project at a time to help support the Park.

Etching / sand blasting
As if I don’t have enough other hobbies and distractions, I’m looking at getting into doing "grit blasting" – often times it’s glass etching (but could be done on rocks or just about anything that will hold an etching.) It looks fun and could be a great little side-business of doing shot glasses for and mugs for my online Bodie store – – and hopefully for doing wedding goblets and cake cutters, mirrors, glasses and whatever else. We’ll see…