Driving Rules #1…
Driving Rules #1…

Driving Rules #1…

Years ago a friend had a mirror image message at the top of her windshield, so that if you looked at her in your rear-view mirror, you could clearly read the message – "KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS"
I cannot stress that enough.  It’s a simple rule.  If you’re driving and you look in your rear-view mirror and see ANYONE right behind you, that means that they want to get by you.  That means that YOU are holding up traffic.  Yes, it does mean that.  Even if you are doing 85 MPG, YOU are holding people up.  No, that doesn’t mean that you are helping to slow people down.  It means that you are keeping someone from doing 90, who will hopefully get a ticket just up the road.
Here’s a best practice: DRIVE IN THE RIGHT LANE UNLESS YOU ARE PASSING SOMEONE – THEN – move back into the right-most lane.  And ya know what?  I’ll bet that cops aren’t usually looking in the right lane for speeders…
That’s my first lesson in "Driving Rules" by Dave Tavres :)  There will be a test.